A dear friend of mine called me yesterday, seeking guidance and needing encouragement. I listened, with love, as she cried and poured her heart and pain out to me. At the end our conversation, and before I prayed for her over the phone, I found myself saying the following words to her… Just remember these three things and you will be all right…
I heard someone say, this week, “Little things done over and over, equals big changes!” Wow, that is a powerful statement, especially when it is lived out! Now this statement was made by a physical fitness trainer. He was giving words of instruction and encouragement regarding wellness and fitness. In that, if you and I do little things over and over, like walking or exercising, it will equal big changes down the road. There will be results from our consistent efforts! While I
“Wait,” she called out suddenly, not sure why that thought upset her so much. “I’m sorry, I just … “ she curled her nails into her palms, closing her eyes as she counted to ten, working on leveling out her temper. Cursing anyways, she hurried after him until she was nearly shoulder to shoulder with him, “You’re right. Forgive me, it’s just… I didn’t expect any of this. I trained for years, I’ve filled my head with so much, and none of this has a place now,” she said in aggravation.
“Gentlemen (and ladies) start your engines!” were the words I heard—for the first time in many years—when I attended the Coke Zero 400 NASCAR Race at Daytona this weekend with my brother. Growing up in Illinois, it was a childhood memory for me to go to the stock car races, with my family, in the small town nearby on the weekends. I loved hearing the famous words, “Gentlemen, start your engines” and then hearing the roar! The words still make my heart beat fast today. I had a great time at the race, despite all the rain, and I learned some important life lessons, as well.
I found myself praying and journaling the following words this week, Heavenly Father, I lay down my want to: to be right, to be understood, to be accepted and loved. I continued, For the truth is… I am fully understood, accepted and loved by You, the King of the Universe! My heart instantly felt light! (Now please know that I am dearly loved by many. I know and believe that today, but, for some reason—a reason I cannot even remember right now, I was not feeling loved that morning. And thus I was pouring out my emotions in my journaling, with my time with God.)
God Doesn't Love Us All The Same, by Nina Guilbeau
Janine Harris never really thought about homeless people. She barely even notices them as she passes them by on her way to work in downtown Washington D.C. All Janine can focus on is the shambles of her own young life, afraid that she will never be able to get past the painful mistakes she has made. However, all of that changes on a snowy evening in December when Janine unexpectedly finds herself alone with Vera, an old, homeless woman who seems to need her help. Now Janie wants to know what could have possibly happened to Vera to leave her so broken and alone.
As Vera shares her life story with Janine, the two women form an unusual bond and begin a journey that changes both of their lives forever. Reluctantly, they each confront their own past and, in the process, discover the true meaning of sacrifice, family and love. Although to truly move forward in their lives, they must fast the most difficult challenge of all – forgiving themselves.
Read MoreWhat is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...