The book launch event for Tammy Rentsch was a success. Her debut title Always Pray and Don’t Give Up: Praying Scripture for Your Marriage is a wonderful edition to Juania Books. We want to thank everyone who came out and all the well wishers who supported the book launch. For all of those who would like to know more about Tammy’s book, there is video of her Q&A portion of this wonderful evening! Visit WFC video page for new and soon to come Tammy Rentsch videos. Also, please visit Tammy’s blog here at Juania Books!
The long awaited release date for Tammy Rentsch’s first book, Always Pray & Don’t Give Up: Praying Scripture for Your Marriage, is finally here! The book launch event happens tonight, August 8, 2015, with up to 100 guest expected at the Jeanine Taylor Folk Art gallery in Tammy’s home town. The event promises to be a nice evening out. Photos and videos will be shared on as well as on Tammy Rentsch – Author’s Facebook page. The Q&A is set for 8pm and questions will be taken from Tammy’s Facebook page, which will be monitored by our social media event hostess.
Nina Guilbeau goes on her first book blog tour. Follow her insightful guest posts, giveaways and interviews with these WOW! Women On Writing tour dates:
Juania Books is happy to introduce our next creative writer to host the Women’s Fiction Club’s Help Write a Novella series. M.A. Kear will be writing a Sci-Fi/Fantasy entitled Bound. Now time out for a quick reminder: Even though it’s called Women’s Fiction Club, it’s not a reference to the gender of the author or reader or genre. The only rules for the WFC are that stories are fiction and the main character is female. Outside of that, WFC readers just want to know if the book is good!
Juania Books welcomes 2014! We are excited to have three new titles due for release this spring. Prayer:The Power of Intercession is Pam Palmers’ second release in her Prayer series. Tammy Rensch debuts her relationship book Always Pray & Don’t Give Up and Nina Guilbeau’s God Doesn’t Love Us All the Same will be her first release on the year. New author blogs, new Women Fiction Club book review videos and the start of writing a new, online, reader participation eBook and just a few ways we’re bringing in 2014. We look forward to having a great year with both our readers and authors. There’s so much more to come!
The Indie BookFest2013 was a great success! Amanda, Juania Books Women’s Fiction Club video channel hostess interviewed many authors of various genres. It was great for Juania Books to be a part of such an inspirational gathers. We hope to be back next year!
The new fiction club story is about to start! After each chapter, we will need readers to vote on the direction of the story. The result of the first Women’s Fiction Club group writing challenge became the eBook Save Angelina which is currently available for free at most retail online outlets. The title of the new novella is Bound: Part One of the Kersten Powell Chronicles. First chapter to read and vote on will be made available April 5th! Join Women’s Fiction Club on Facebook to be a part of the discussions with the author and other readers.
Welcome to Juania Books! We invite you to take a look around our site to find out more about our premier authors and our future releases. We also hope you join our Women’s Fiction Club to help us write our next, reader inspired novella. At Juania Books, our WFC readers also provide reviews of some of their favorite books – no matter the genre or publisher. Here at Juania Books we love reading a good story, we love writing a good story and we love introducing independent authors to independent readers.
God Doesn't Love Us All The Same, by Nina Guilbeau
Janine Harris never really thought about homeless people. She barely even notices them as she passes them by on her way to work in downtown Washington D.C. All Janine can focus on is the shambles of her own young life, afraid that she will never be able to get past the painful mistakes she has made. However, all of that changes on a snowy evening in December when Janine unexpectedly finds herself alone with Vera, an old, homeless woman who seems to need her help. Now Janie wants to know what could have possibly happened to Vera to leave her so broken and alone.
As Vera shares her life story with Janine, the two women form an unusual bond and begin a journey that changes both of their lives forever. Reluctantly, they each confront their own past and, in the process, discover the true meaning of sacrifice, family and love. Although to truly move forward in their lives, they must fast the most difficult challenge of all – forgiving themselves.
Read MoreWhat is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...