Most people pray on some level. Even people who say that they do not believe in God or any other god will use the word prayer when they are hoping for something to go their way. They say things like “I pray that I’ll get the job”. Pray to whom is the question that I ask? We pray because we believe that there is someone, somewhere listening who has the ability to answer us.
The sad thing about prayer is that so many people are praying to God believing that He hears but not believing that He answers all the time. Their faith is in hoping that God will give them what they ask. When they don’t get what they asked, they assume that it was not God’s will or that they are not worthy to receive what they asked for.
Fruitless prayers continue to come forth causing more and more not to trust God. It is these so-called unanswered prayers that have caused many to turn away from God. They use their unanswered requests to declare that there is no God. But God is not guilty of prayers not being answered. He always hears our cries and He is always ready and willing to answer our prayers.
Then what keeps our prayers from being answered? Our requests of God are not answered because we are ignorant of what He requires of us in prayer. Prayer is much more than crying out when you need something. If you know what God says about prayer, you will never again pray wondering if you will receive an answer. God in His word tells us to pray. Why would He tell us to pray if He is not going to answer us? Why would He tell us to pray and not tell us how to do it? We can be sure that whatever God requires of us, He also equips us to do it.
“Prayer, the Language of the Kingdom” , is a study of what the Bible says about prayer. From it you will find out what God requires of us in prayer. Your prayers can be like arrows that hit the bull’s eye of the target every time.
Intercession is not a type of prayer but more of an administration of all types of prayer. The Power of Intercession takes you deeper into the realm of “standing in the gap”. As with Prayer, the Language of the Kingdom, this book was created from the Prayer School Workshops that Pam Palmer Cooper has been teaching for over twenty years. She has also directed a number of Intercession groups in churches and rallies, including international gatherings.
Pam takes the mystery out of intercession by just plainly expounding on what God says in His Word using her wealth of experience. Sincere and fervent intercession is a vital necessity in the local church and the Body of Christ all over the world. Understanding its purpose and executing it biblically is a must for this season. If you have a passion for prayer, The Power of Intercession will fan the flame.
Prayer, the Language of the Kingdom, by Pam Palmer Cooper was created from the lessons of the Prayer School Workshops. It is presented in an easy to read and enjoyable format, helping believers make the most out of these important teachings.
Prayer is the language of the Kingdom of God. When we pray effectively, the Will of God is accomplished in the earth. Thy will be done as it is in heaven.
The prayers of the righteous makes tremendous power available thereby bringing forth dynamic works (James 5:16 Amplified paraphrased).
What is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...