“Can I give you a hug?” were the words I heard from a sweet, young girl at school, this week, right after our chapel service. Little did she know the difference her words and caring gesture would make! We hugged. I cried. We prayed. She listened and gave me words of truth and encouragement. And all this, because she turned and offered me a hug!
I was unaware of it myself, i.e., how much I was in need of a hug that day. It was only while we were in prayer together, that I realized that I just had not slowed down enough or gotton still, to realize all the things that were going on inside of me. And as the result of this young girl stopping and taking 20 minutes of time with me, everything changed. My circumstances didn’t change, but my attitude and focus changed, which in turn made all the difference in the world. I was strengthened in my spirit and as a result I now had a calmness and stamina to persevere with joy!
The most amazing part of the story is that four hours later I found this same sweet, young girl alone and crying. It turns out that she, too, was in need of a hug that day! So I stopped and gave her a hug. She cried. I listened and gave her words of truth and encouragement. We prayed. And, again, all this bceause she had taken the time to stop and give me a hug earlier that day. For I would not of had it in me to encourage someone else, if I had not first been ministered to myself that day. It is so true that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:8)!
So, my dear friends “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers”
(Galatians 6:9-10, NIV).
And remember; never underestimate the power of a hug!
This little book is a profound demonstration of God’s power and of true faith in action. It is a guidebook for learning how to pray Scripture, filled with eighty-nine weekly Prayer Sheets for your marriage — eighty-nine pages of power that will change your life and the lives of all those around you, as you too learn to always pray and not give Up!
“Praying Scripture is the most powerful and effective way to pray for your marriage. It can be a daunting task to search out all the passages that apply, though. In this book, Tammy has done the hard work for us in compiling a beautiful arrangement of God's attributes along with verses to pray for myself, as a wife, and verses to pray over my husband and marriage. The Lord has used many of these passages to bear fruit in my own life and marriage."
Mariel Davenport , Author
Knowing God Through His Names
A Housewife Desperate for God
“Tammy Rentsch is passionate about prayer. She prays faithfully and frequently. She is also committed to loving her spouse enough to pray for their marriage. Read this book and you will be equipped and encouraged to pray consistently and powerfully for your marriage with the Scriptures as your guide.”
Brian D. Russell
Professor of Biblical Studies
Dean, School of Urban Ministries
Asbury Theological Seminary
What is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...