It may appear strange to come to the realization at this point in my life that I know who I am. It is refreshing to not only know that I have a voice but that I know what to say. Moreover there is a strong perception of liberty due to the fact that I have matured enough that there are few among us that are capable of shutting me up or backing me down because I know what I am talking about.
What I want to say to you today seems so short and simple. But it is also very powerful, especially once we let it seep deep down into the core of our being and we begin to really believe it, which then leads to living it! I believe one of the main things God wants me to tell woman is: 1) You are beautiful and 2) He loves you!
“Relax, take the bumps as they come and enjoy the ride!” Those were the words of a young silver medalist winner, of the sledding competition, in the recent Olympic Games. She was being interviewed on NPR radio this past Monday evening. When asked, “What advice she would give others?” she replied with the above words saying, “Relax, take the bumps as they come and enjoy the ride!” Then she added the exact thought that I was thinking, by saying, “That’s good advice for life, too!”
It was a split second decision that saved her, that guided her destiny and led to the moment when she controlled the rise or fall of a nation with the stroke of her sword. Alexa Hollen saw the fire consume her parents and her home. She watched as the sorcerer destroyed life as she knew it. The only thing she had left was her twin brother Marcel and he was urging her to move quickly.
Last Saturday, I held a “dream board workshop” in my home. It was wonderful. There were six of us ladies there, ranging in age from thirteen to fifty something! How great is that?!
In the novel Running Against TrafficWhat do you do when your life takes a big, unexpected and unwelcome turn? A life coach would say “Turn those lemons into lemonade” or “Setbacks are really opportunities in disguise” However, Paige Scott, who grew up living the rich life, married into the rich life and then is dumped by her husband- literally and figuratively-into the “not so rich life by a long shot,” has no use for such optimistic mottoes. In the real world she has hit rock bottom and it’s going to take more than a few positive slogans to help her sort out her life.
Last month I took a one week condensed class on the history of the Old Testament, as part of my schooling at Asbury Theological Seminary. I learned so much and wanted to share what I learned with the whole world and now, today, I have the opportunity to do just that with you!
I had an unusual experience this morning. I was watching Richard and Lindsay Roberts on their broadcast of A Place For Miracles”. They were showcasing what they called A Legacy of Miracles. They were discussing and showing pictures from the years of the ministry of Oral Roberts. I began remembering things that I hadn’t thought of in decades and some things that I have never thought of before. At that point, it was as if I went into a time machine tunnel.
Juania Books welcomes 2014! We are excited to have three new titles due for release this spring. Prayer:The Power of Intercession is Pam Palmers’ second release in her Prayer series. Tammy Rensch debuts her relationship book Always Pray & Don’t Give Up and Nina Guilbeau’s God Doesn’t Love Us All the Same will be her first release on the year. New author blogs, new Women Fiction Club book review videos and the start of writing a new, online, reader participation eBook and just a few ways we’re bringing in 2014. We look forward to having a great year with both our readers and authors. There’s so much more to come!
December 31, 2013 It is the end of the year. It is the time when we snuggle down and allow the memories of the past year to captivate our thoughts. Some say that we should not dwell in the past. But at this time of the year, I say let the past pour over you. Bring to your remembrance every bad thing and every good thing. Remember every good decision and every bad decision. All that you can bring up, bring up and contemplate because it will soon be the past. When the year is over these things must be laid to rest but right now they serve as the platforms for the year to come.
God Doesn't Love Us All The Same, by Nina Guilbeau
Janine Harris never really thought about homeless people. She barely even notices them as she passes them by on her way to work in downtown Washington D.C. All Janine can focus on is the shambles of her own young life, afraid that she will never be able to get past the painful mistakes she has made. However, all of that changes on a snowy evening in December when Janine unexpectedly finds herself alone with Vera, an old, homeless woman who seems to need her help. Now Janie wants to know what could have possibly happened to Vera to leave her so broken and alone.
As Vera shares her life story with Janine, the two women form an unusual bond and begin a journey that changes both of their lives forever. Reluctantly, they each confront their own past and, in the process, discover the true meaning of sacrifice, family and love. Although to truly move forward in their lives, they must fast the most difficult challenge of all – forgiving themselves.
Read MoreWhat is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...