You may have noticed that my past few blogs have all been titled or begun with the words, “Be Free…” There is a reason for that, in that, my word for this year is “be free!” For you see, the past couple years, God has given me a word for the year. Just one word, one word that I would focus my attention on all year long. One word that He would work in my life; one area He would grow me in etc.
Two years ago, my word for the year was “believe.” I was to believe the things God was telling me through His Word and through His Holy Spirit and that was how I was going to make it through some difficult times I was going through. Last year, God’s word for me was “focus.” I was to focus on Him and as I focused on Him, hard things in life may get thrown at me, but as long as I kept my focus on Him, I would stay standing and make it through.
In January of this year, I began to pray and ask God, “What’s my word for this year, God?” A few weeks went by before the answer to my question came to me. I was having a “lifecoach session” over the phone, when my lifecoach asked me the following question, saying, “What do you need to be, to get to where you want to go?” What a powerful question! I immediately knew the answer; out of my mouth came the words, “I need to be free”! Meaning, I need to be free from being stressed out all the time, I need to be free from being upset or down on myself, all the time etc., etc. And at the same time that I said, “I think that’s my word for the year!” My lifecoach said, “Do you think that’s your word for the year?!” I responed with a resounding, “Yes!” It was affirmed, my word for 2014 is: be free!
I am now half way through the year and little by little God has been teaching me what it means to be free and/or what it means to live free! This week, through an experience I went through, it seems that God is endevoring to teach me that I will be more and more free as I learn to keep the little things little. You know, stop “making mountains out of mole-hills,” as they say! However, that is easier said than done, for me anyway. But, oh, the freedom when we learn to live this way.
What amazed me the most was that God showed me this through my eldest son, who is now 26 years old. I was telling him about my most recent experience where I was upset with myself and he interrupted me, saying, “Mom, I think you’re thinking about this too much. It’s not a big deal. It’s over now…” Wow, my son’s words stopped me in my tracks! I thought to myself, He’s right! I am overthinking this and I am making it more of a big deal than it really is. I need to let this go and turn my thinking to something else that is productive and positive and in doing so, I became free!
So, while it is true, that there are big things in life that can bring us down or consume our thoughts, i.e., a diagnosis of cancer for example or the news of a death or divorce of a loved one etc. can totally shake our world. But it is also true, that we often make little things way too big, when in the big scheme of things they are really little. So my friend, I pray for you today that your faithful Heavenly Father will help you through any big things that you may be going through and I pray that the truly little things happening in your life will stay little – that you may be free!
This little book is a profound demonstration of God’s power and of true faith in action. It is a guidebook for learning how to pray Scripture, filled with eighty-nine weekly Prayer Sheets for your marriage — eighty-nine pages of power that will change your life and the lives of all those around you, as you too learn to always pray and not give Up!
“Praying Scripture is the most powerful and effective way to pray for your marriage. It can be a daunting task to search out all the passages that apply, though. In this book, Tammy has done the hard work for us in compiling a beautiful arrangement of God's attributes along with verses to pray for myself, as a wife, and verses to pray over my husband and marriage. The Lord has used many of these passages to bear fruit in my own life and marriage."
Mariel Davenport , Author
Knowing God Through His Names
A Housewife Desperate for God
“Tammy Rentsch is passionate about prayer. She prays faithfully and frequently. She is also committed to loving her spouse enough to pray for their marriage. Read this book and you will be equipped and encouraged to pray consistently and powerfully for your marriage with the Scriptures as your guide.”
Brian D. Russell
Professor of Biblical Studies
Dean, School of Urban Ministries
Asbury Theological Seminary
What is written in this book began for me over 30 years...
Do you need to change your perspective on some things...